Популярни публикации

вторник, 24 май 2011 г.


Address for letters:

Ianko Iankov


Block 4, ap. 38

1172 Sofia

Web site: http://iankov.info

Web site: http://iankov.com

E-mail : iankov.bg@mail.bg



15 October 2007


LPC-Euro-Just-01/ 13 November 2006;

LPC-Euro-Just-02/ 17 November 2006;

LPC-Euro-Just-03/ 12 January 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-04/ 22 January 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-05/ 01 February 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-06/ 28 March 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-07/ 10 April 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-08/ 09 May 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-09/ 19 May 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-10/ 21 May 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-11/ 30 May 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-12/ 31 May 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-13/ 02 June 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-14/ 11 June 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-15/ 16 June 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-16/ 25 June 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-17/ 01 July 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-18/ 06 July 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-19/ 07 July 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-20/ 11 July 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-21/ 21 July 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-22/ 27 July 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-23/ 30 July 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-24/ 22 August 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-25/ 14 September 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-26/ 16 September 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-27/ 21 September 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-28/ 24 September 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-29/ 26 September 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-30/ 02 October 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-31/ 07 October 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-32/ 10 October 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-33/ 12 October 2007;

LPC-Euro-Just-34/ 15 October 2007;

Amnesty International

International Secretariat

1 Easton Street

London WC 1 X 8 DJ,

London WC 1 X 0 DW,

United Kingdom


Amnesty International UK

The Human Rights Action Centre

17-25 New Inn Yard

London EC2A 3EA

United Kingdom

Email sct@amnesty.org.uk

Amnesty International Osterreich

Moeringgasse 10/1

A-1150 Wien


E-mail: gewerkschafterInnen@amnesty.at

E-mail: info@amnesty.at

Amnesty International Vlaanderen vzw

Kerkstraat 156

2060 Antwerpen


E-mail: amnesty@aivl.be

Amnesty International

Belgique francophone

Rue Berckmans 9

1060 Bruxelles


E-mail: jpchenu@aibf.be

Amnesty International

Belgique francophone


rue Souverain Pont 11

4000 Liège


E-mail: bureaudeliege@aibf.be

Amnesty International

European Union Office

rue d'Arlon 39-41

B-1000 Brussels


E-mail: amnesty-eu@aieu.be

Amnesty International France

72-76 Boulevard de la Villette

75940 Paris cedex 19


E-mail: webmestre@amnesty.fr

Amnesty International

Section Suisse

Postfach, CH-3001 Bern

Erlachstrasse 16 b

CH-3012 Bern


E-mail: service@amnesty.ch

Российский ресурсный центр

Международной Амнистии

а/я 212

119019, Москва,


E-mail: msk@amnesty.org

International Helsinki Federation

for Human Right (IHF)

Wickenburggasse 14/7

1080 Vienna


E-mail: kolb@ihf-hr.org

International Human Rights Office

of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

United Nations Office at Geneva

8-14 Avenue de la Paix

1211 Geneva 10,


Web site: http://www.unhchr.ch/html/intlinst.htm

E-mail: tb-petitions@ohchr.org

E-mail: 1503@ohchr.org

E-mail: personnel@ohchr.org

E-mail: fellowship_prog@ohchr.org

E-mail: InfoDesk@ohchr.org

E-mail: publications@ohchr.org

The International Centre

for the Legal Protection of Human Rights


Lancaster Hous

33 Islington High Street

London N 1 9LH


Web site: http://www.interights.org/

E-mail: ir@interights.org

Human Rights Watch

Web site: http://www.hrw.org/doc?t=europe&c=bulgar

Human Rights Watch

325 W. Huron, Suite 304

Chicago, IL 60610


Web site: http://www.hrw.org/chicago/

E-mail: chicago@hrw.org

Human Rights Watch

350 Fifth Avenue, 34th floor

New York,

NY 10118-3299


E-mail: hrwnyc@hrw.org

E-mail: hrwpress@hrw.org

Human Rights Watch

1630 Connecticut Avenue,

N.W., Suite 500

Washington, DC 20009


E-mail: hrwdc@hrw.org

Human Rights Watch

11500 W. Olympic Blvd., Suite 441

Los Angeles,

CA 90064


Web site: http://hrwcalifornia.org/south/

E-mail: hrwlasb@hrw.org

Human Rights Watch

100 Bush Street, Suite 1812

San Francisco,

CA 94104


Web site: http://www.hrw.org/sanfrancisco/

E-mail: hrwsf@hrw.org

Human Rights Watch

2nd Floor, 2-12 Pentonville Road

London N1 9HF,


Web site: http://extras.hrw.org/london/

E-mail: hrwuk@hrw.org

Email: porteot@hrw.org

E-mail: shahu@hrw.org

E-mail: lattigl@hrw.org

Human Rights Watch

Avenue des Gaulois, 7

1040 Brussels


E-mail: hrwbe@hrw.org

Email: eupress@hrw.org

Human Rights Watch

9 rue Cornavin

1201 Geneva


Web site: http://www.hrw.org/geneva/

E-mail: hrwgva@hrw.org

Human Rights Watch

Poststraße 4-5

10178 Berlin,


Web site:

E-mail: berlin@hrw.org

Human Rights Watch

55 Eglinton Avenue East

Suite 403


Ontario M4P 1G8


Web site: http://www.hrw.org/toronto/

E-mail: toronto@hrw.org

Human Rights Watch

Europe/ Bulgaria

Web site: http://www.hrw.org/doc?t=europe&c=bulgar



General Secretariat

200, quai Charles de Gaulle

69006 Lyon


Web site: http://www.interpol.int/



European Police Office

European Law Enforcement Organisation

Postal address:

P.O. Box 908 50

2509 LW The Hague

The Netherlands

Visiting address:

Raamweg 47

2596 HN The Hague

The Netherlands

Web site: http://www.europol.europa.eu/

E-mail: info@europol.europa.eu

E-mail: corporate.communications@europol.europa.eu

E-mail: recruitment@europol.europa.eu

His Excellency

Mr. Hans-Gert Poettering -

President of the European Parliament

Rue Wiertz

B-1047 Brussels

E-mail: klaus.welle@europarl.europa.eu

E-mail: anthony.teasdale@europarl.europa.eu

E-mail: webmasterpresident@europarl.europa.eu

E-mail: katrin.ruhrmann@europarl.europa.eu

E-mail: jesus.gomez@europarl.europa.eu

E-mail: Petitions@europarl.europa.eu

E-mail: civis@europarl.europa.eu

His Excellency

Mr. Jose Manuel Barroso -

President of the European Commission

Secretariat General of the European Commission,

Unit SG/B/4

rue de la Loi 200,

B- 1049 Brussels

E-mail: comm-web@ec.europa.eu



His Excellency

Mr. Franco Frattini -

Vice President & Commissioner

of Justice, Freedom and Security

European Commission

B-1049 Brussels





His Excellency

Mr. Olli Rehn -

Commissioner of Enlargement

European Commission

B-1049 Brussels

E-mail: cab-rehn-web-feedback@ec.europa.eu

E-mail: elarg-webmaster@ec.europa.eu

His Excellency

Mr. P. Nikiforos Diamandouros -


1 Avenue du President Robert Schuman

B.P. 403

F – 67001 Strasbourg Cedex

E-mail: euro-ombudsman@europarl.eu.int

To Their Excellencies the Ambassadors,

accredited in Sofia from:

1) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

E-mail: britembinf@mail.orbitel.bg

Home Office: E-mail: public.enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk

2) Kingdom of Belgium;

E-mail: Philippe.Beke@diplobel.be

E-mail: Sofia@diplobel.org

E-mail: ambabel@einet.bg

3) Federal Republic of Germany;

E-mail: Mil-1@sofi.diplo.de

E-mail: Mil-100@sofi.diplo.de

E-mail: info@sofia.goethe.org

E-mail: sprach-1@sofi.auswaertiges-amt.de

4) French Republic;

E-mail: presse@ambafrance-bg.org

5) Kingdom of Netherlands;

E-mail: sof@minbuza.nl

6) The European Commission Delegation to Bulgaria;

E-mail: delegation-bulgaria@ec.europa.eu

E-mail: cip@eubcc.bg

7) United States of America;

E-mail: Sofia@usembassy.bg

E-mail: sofia.office.box@mail.doc.gov

8) Swiss Confederation.

E-mail: Sofia@sdc.net

E-mail: sof.vertretung@eda.admin.ch



Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)

Bundeshaus West

CH-3003 Berne

E-Mail: info@eda.admin.ch


State Secretariat

Bundeshaus West

CH-3003 Berne

E-Mail: sts@eda.admin.ch


General Secretariat

Bundeshaus West

CH-3003 Berne

E-Mail: generalsekretaer@eda.admin.ch


Centre for Analysis and Prospective Studies

Bundesgasse 32

CH-3003 Berne

E-Mail: zaps@eda.admin.ch

Your Excellencies,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My name is Ianko Nikolov Iankov (Yanko Nikolov Yankov) and you have enough archived information due to during my stay in communist dungeons I was an object of all Western legal defends organizations, as well as of several Western cabinets.

Nevertheless detailed information about me is available in English, French, German and Bulgarian on the following addresses:

http://iankov.com/dl/biobibliografia.pdf ,

http://iankov.blogspot.com/2007/06/blog-post.html ,



From 1975 till now me, my family and the most closed family relatives have been objects of more than one hundred acts of crime committed by functionaries of communist and post-communist Bulgarian state authority without any access to court justice till now.

Due to my explicit and active public opposition to the ruling till 1989 classic communist power I was arrested and spent six full years in jail; during that time not only me but all my relatives have been personally tortured, and two of them have died only a few days after they came to know about my arrest.

Due to my explicit and active public opposition to the ruling from 1990 till now (functioning as a mafia regime) post-classical authority of the criminal communist elite, four of my closest relatives died as personal objects of precisely planned social-economic, psychological and medical terrorism, committed by the new secret mafia and state services; the rest of us are objects of everyday terror, and as a result our existence is reduced to clear biological (but at lowest quality and unsecure) level.

As a professional lawyer, professor of political and legal sciences, as well as a leader of Union of Lawyers Democrats and Basic Institute for Research and Defense of Human Rights (BIRD of HR) during the last 16 (Sixteen) years I lodged at the Office of the Bulgarian Attorney General more than 370 particular complaints for inquiries of precisely documented crimes:

1) against almost 80 % (Eighty percent) of the Bulgarian population, founding expression in sinister state terrorism, eugenics, socio-economic genocide, socio-medical and drug genocide, educational-professional genocide, out-of-court murders and other forms of terroristic torture and extermination over and of citizens of Bulgaria;

2) great number of particular crimes committed by the secret services against 60 (Sixty) individuals and their families, defend of whose rights and interests I took as a legitimate representative of the Union of Lawyers Democrats and the Basic Institute for Research and Defense of Human Rights (BIRD of HR);

3) more than 100 (One Hundred) single crimes committed by the secret services personally against me and the members of my family; in particular – committing of a great multitude of crimes which resulted in the death of my grandma Petkana, my grandpa Ianko, my brother Kamen, my father Nikola, my mother Evtima, and my mother-in-law Velichka;

4) great multitude of particular crimes against the status, activity and the property of the leaded by me political party, law-defend organizations, and a line of other legitimately registered structures;

5) exclusively great multitude of particular crimes committed by public servants of the Bulgarian Attorney General and Court of Justice system, acting as a subordinate mechanism of the Red Mafia for torturing of innocent people and for concealing the criminals and the crimes.

As an answer of all that completely legitimate legal defense activity the secret services of all cabinets from 1990 till now in an exclusively intensive manner have used and continue to perform everyday secret operational activities pointed against me, my family members, my close relatives and friends, as well as my political adherents.

By the way, almost complete picture of the aforesaid situation is quite clear fr5om the texts of all my registered with the office of the Bulgarian Attorney General particular requests for inquiries , copies of which texts have been submitted to the most of the Western diplomatic representatives in Sofia, as well as have been published in six voluminous volumes entitled “Document for Identity. Political Documentary”. One part of the mentioned texts are available on the following Internet addresses:



http://www.eurochicago.com ,



Your Excellencies,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I address all of you with a request to manifest you legal defense interest towards all the facts and circumstances in the aforesaid my requests for inquiry of the criminal activities committed by the secret services of the previous and the present political-state regime.

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